Three Phases
of the LQ evaluation using rigorous research design
The Pre Phase (2013)
The Pre-Phase was an introduction to the larger evaluation project on the outcomes of LQ training. To be able to compare workshops in different countries, it was essential first to compare the perceptions of LQ workshop goals held by LQ trainers and country coordinators in different countries. Only if their perceived goals were similar in different countries could we compare the outcomes of the LQ training later on. Overall, the results indicated that the LQ leaders' perceptions were consistent throughout the different countries, surveyed.
In terms of their perceptions of both the goals of the teachers' workshop and the goals of the LQ program for the pupils there was little variation. It would seem that the process of LQ implementation was quite successful in maintaining the original goals in the LQ curricula: the perceptions of LQ goals and the official LQ goals were similar internationally. It was thus possible to compare the outcomes of LQ in different countries.
Phase I (2013-2014)
The intention of the Phase I in 2013-2014 was to develop and test a training evaluation model for the International LQ Evaluation Project. The study focused on participants' willingness to change and their motivation to continuously develop their communication skills. The participants of the study were teachers from Finland. Th ere were 155 members of the school staff that participated in the LQ training. Th e comparison group consisted of 65 teachers. In addition, there was a second comparison group comprising 46 teachers and other members of the school staff. Results of the study showed that participating teachers rated the LQ goals as more important and relevant after receiving training. Furthermore, participants from the intervention group felt more competent in skills related to the LQ goals than the comparison groups. In addition, it appeared that the evaluation model developed as part of the study can be used in measuring the outcomes of teachers' LQ workshop.
Phase II (2014-2018)
In the Phase II the development of teachers' social and emotional intelligence was investigated by using Lions Quest (LQ) teacher workshops as an intervention. Change in teachers' attitudes, values, knowledge, and skills during the LQ was explored. The data were collected from nine countries comprising workshops from ten areas. The questionnaire was completed twice, immediately before and again after the workshop.
The results from Finland, Italy, Japan and Lithuania in 2015-2016 from 940 participants showed that the teachers perceived the LQ goals as more important after participating in the LQ teachers' workshop. In addition, they felt more competence in implementing the LQ content in their classrooms. Further, teachers valued the LQ goals higher after the workshop. In the comparison group, no changes were found between the measurements.
In 2016 new countries participated in the Evaluation Project. The data were collected from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Germany and Turkey. In addition, longitudinal data were collected in Japan. This new data was analyzed and reported in 2017-2019. Results from nine countries and ten areas indicated increased skills and knowledge as well as more positive attitude towards the goals of the LQ among teachers who participated in the LQ training..
Phase III (2017-2019)
During Phase III of the International LQ Evaluation Project each participating country will be provided a seminar where the results and recommendations will be presented and future actions planned. In the Phase III, the experiences of the participating countries will be surveyed and overall recommendations regarding the development of the LQ will take place. This stage is, of course, also open to countries not participating in the research